Step by step

1. How to add companies to my creditoQR account? Visit the menu on the left, the item 'Businesses' ==> Add a new business and complete the form fields. (At the bottom of the page you can find references to the information that must be entered).

Before trying to add a second company to your user account, check if the terms of your usage plan allow it.

2. How can I add deals to my registered business? Visit the 'Deals' menu ==> Add a new deal; this link will show you the companies you have in the system, so you can choose which of them you want to add a new plan to, then complete the form fields. (at the bottom you can find references to the information you must enter)

3. A customer wants to purchase a coupon, what should I do? To start, you must make sure that you have entered at least one Coupon Deal in the company that you have in the system, then in the menu on the left locate the item 'Coupons' ==> Add a new coupon, this link will present all the plans of service that you have entered among your companies, click on the corresponding file or card, and complete the fields of the form. In the end, you will be redirected to the general list of coupons, and the most recent one should appear first.

4. A user wants to cash a coupon, how can I let the system know that the coupon won't be valid anymore? It is very important that if the user has consumed the coupon resources, you update the record in the system to avoid reuse. Being on the coupon page, identify the upper block with information on 'Balance' and 'Status', you will see an icon on the right side with a black background in the shape of a pencil, click, and in the pop-up window locate the field 'General status' and select the 'CASHED ✔️' option, then press the 'save' button at the bottom to save the changes.

5. How can I null or cancel a coupon? Being on the coupon page, identify the upper block with information on 'Balance' and 'Status', you will see an icon on the right side with a black background in the shape of a pencil, click, and in the pop-up window locate the field 'General status' and select the 'Cancelled ❌' option, then press the save button at the bottom to save the changes.

6. How can I enter a balance discount to a coupon in the system? The technical name is to charge a transaction to a coupon, and it can add or subtract balance. You must access the coupon page, either by scanning the QR code that the customer presents or also by visiting your coupon list and filtering the one you need to find. Being on the coupon page, a form named 'Add transaction to this coupon' appears. The first field 'Type of transaction', defines if you are going to add money to increase the coupon balance (💰Deposit) or subtract money (🛒Expense) for a purchase or amount that you want to deduct from the coupon. For this example, where the intention is to discount the coupon balance, we are going to select '🛒Expense'. We then enter the amount, and optionally the details or description of the transaction.

7. Can I enter figures with decimals when adding transactions to coupons? YEAH. In the 'Amount' field of the transaction form you can enter figures with decimals, for example if the amount to be processed is 'One with ninety-nine cents', enter '1.99'. if the number is, for example, 'one thousand two hundred and twenty' enter the number '1220', note that this last value should not contain dots or commas.

8. How can I edit a coupon, I need to make a quick correction It is NOT possible to edit the information of a coupon that is already in the system. You have the option to cancel it and generate a new one.

9. How can I edit a coupon deal, I need to make a correction. Locate in the main menu Deals ==> Deals listing. In this section you can check all the plans you have in the system, filter the one you want to find, and at the bottom of each plan tab, click the 'Edit deal' button. This opens the deal details page. At the top of the page, there is a pencil icon on a black background that, when clicked, displays a window with a form to edit the respective fields of the service plan.

NOTE if the service plan already has coupons associated with it, you will not be able to edit their information.

Messages and notifications

10. How to notify or deliver the coupon to the customer? If you have just completed the form to add a coupon, the system will present you with a list of all your coupons and the most recent should appear first. This list of coupons can also be accessed from the 'Coupons' menu ==> list of coupons. Then click on the coupon you want to notify. A page will open with all the details of the coupon, locate the button 'Notify coupon to WhatsApp and send the pre-loaded message. The beneficiary will receive a warm message on his WhatsApp notifying him of the benefit he has just received. Alternatively, you can copy and share the url of the coupon you want to notify through alternative channels such as email.

The system integrates direct manual notification to the user's WhatsApp, however you can share the url of the coupon through any communication channel to notify your client

11. How to notify the client of a recent or past transaction? You must locate in the main menu Transactions ==> List of transactions. The most recent appears at the top of the list, or you can find a past transaction using the filters and search box. On the right side of each transaction card, there is a green button to notify all the details to the coupon beneficiary's WhatsApp. Alternatively, you can click on the transaction card to see the details that you are about to notify the customer, and inside, there is also a button to notify by Whatsapp.

12. How can I customize the messages that are notified to whatsapp? Each company that registers to the system can personalize its contact messages to the user. Visit menu, Business ==> Business list. Click on the business you want to make adjustments to. On the right, you can see the summary of your configuration, and on the left, you will find the pencil-shaped icon to edit the values ​​of the fields. To edit the 'Notify coupon to recipient' message, edit the values ​​of the 'Cuopon welcome message ' field. To edit the 'Notify payee transaction' message, edit the values ​​of the 'Notifications message' field.

13. What do the abbreviated codes between braces [example_code] mean in the message format? These codes are dynamically replaced by the information that corresponds to your records. Example: 'Hello [user_name]' It would be processed as 'Hello Carlos', if the user to notify is called Carlos.

14. Where can I see more information about the values ​​and availability of shortcodes?

Codigo abreviado


Business address


Business name


Coupon buyer


Coupon user (beneficiary)


Coupon balance


Coupon id


URL coupon link


Transaction amount


Transaction date


Transaction details/comments


Transaction id


Transaction status


Transaction type

System collaborators

15. What is a collaborator Vs system admin You, as the system administrator, have the power to register as many businesses to the system as your usage plan allows, and also to edit and configure every aspect of the general services offered by our platform. Your usage plan may allow you to add specific collaborators in each registered business so that they are in charge of the tasks of the administration of a particular business.

16. How do I add a collaborator? Register in the system an account for the user you want to link (Note: you must log out to be able to make a new registration, although only if you are doing it from the same workstation) Then log in again as admin and navigate to the BUSINESS menu ==> list of business. Select the business of your choice and click on the icon to edit the business information. In the pop-up window you will find the fields that edit the business information and among them you must locate the field 'Biz collaborator 1'. Then enter the email of the user you had previously registered and press 'Save changes'

17. What can and cannot be done by a business collaborator? The only thing a collaborator can't do is add a new business to the system or add themselves as a collaborator, from then on, they will be able to edit or access any aspect of a business in which they participate as a collaborator.

Internal notes

18. How can I add my notes or private notes to a coupon in system? There are two ways to do it: initially, when you are filling out the new coupon form, the last field allows you to add your notes and comments. If the coupon was already in the system, enter the coupon page and locate the pencil icon to edit. In the pop-up window, you will find a field called 'Notes', enter the information you want to associate with the coupon there.

19. Where do I find the private notes that I add to a coupon? When a coupon has notes, they are located at the top of the coupon page. Remember that these notes are only visible to you as an admin or to your collaborators.

20. How can I see in the general system that a coupon has notes, I'm not going to have to enter coupon by coupon to review, right? Whether or not a coupon has notes inside it may not represent much to us, what we really want to know is if any of the notes require our action or attention; When you review your list of coupons, you will see that in all the tabs to the right, there is a field called 'Review'. The value in this field can have one of two colors: green or red. The idea is that when it is in red, it represents that there are pending things to do associated with the coupon and that we surely have recorded in notes, and when it is in green, we have the peace of mind that there are no pending tasks, even though the coupon has notes or comments inside.

21. And how do I establish notes with pendings or tasks to be done, and give the 'Review' field red color? Bearing in mind that the colors of the 'Review' field do not depend on whether or not a coupon has notes, the red color is established when we add the keyword 'Pend*' to the content of the note. For example, the content of a note that reads 'Notify coupon beneficiary only until March 6 Pend*' automatically turns the 'Review' field red when we consult the list of coupons.

22. And when I process my internal notes for a coupon, and there is nothing left to do or review how do I proceed? You must edit the note; enter the coupon, locate the coupon edit pencil icon, and when you're in the 'Notes' field delete just the 'Pend*' keyword or the entire note if you wish. This will change the value of the 'Review' field to green

23. When adding a new coupon deal, I have to select from 3 options for the deal type field. What are their differences?

  • Credit: This type of plan is ideal when we are offering credit. For example, we offer the client a consumption quota of 100K that he agrees to cancel on a certain date, or just after consuming the entire balance.

  • Prepaid card: This is the most common of the three options, and it is the one associated with gift cards or prepaid quotas, that is, the customer cancels the value of the quota in advance and the user consumes the balance without worrying that it is owed. Similar to how the entrance cards to the public transport systems operate.

  • Prepaid service: Here we group the cards or coupons that are stamped to sell a service and that usually keep the cost hidden from the beneficiary, for example, 'Bonus for a tango class' or 'Voucher for a haircut'.

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